iPod Moroni

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LDS software, LDS Music, and other resources for Latter-day Saints with Macs or iPods

News for LDS Mac & iPod Users

LDS MusicSampler

    Artist: Johanne Frechette Perry

    Album: Polly - A One Woman Musical

    Song: We Built a House  (Listen)

    Go get it!:   LDSAudio

    Artist: Jessie Clark Funk

    Album: You Know Better Than I

    Song: One Clear Voice  (Listen)

    Go get it!:   LDSAudio

    Artist: Sam Cardon

    Album: Welcome to Brigham

    Song: Brigham City Opening Titles  (Listen)

    Go get it!:   LDSAudio

Apple Introduces 13" MacBook

LDS Music

Today, Apple finally unveiled the Intel-dual-based replacement to the venerable and popular      ...More

Apple Launches New TV Ads

New Mac Ads

Apple Computers launched a new series of ads yesterday to show how interoperative Macs are with PCs, while      ...More

Limited OS X Licensing In The Works?

OS X on a PC

In its 30-year history, Apple Computer, Inc. has always maintained a significant mind-share in the technology sector and will      ...More

Apple Introduces 17" MacBook Pro

LDS Music

Today, Apple unveiled the newest Mac to sport an Intel Core Duo processor -- the 17" MacBook Pro. With improved performance, thanks to the newly added      ...More

General Conference Audio, Video, and iPods

LDS Music

Ask The Church For Video iPod Content!
Prior to Conference Latter-Day Mac posted an article discussing access to Conference audio and video. As a follow-up, Latter-Day Mac would like to provide additional information   ...More

"Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!"

Apple-Boot Camp

Apple Computer has just announced the public beta of "Boot Camp", a software product that allows Macintosh Intel systems to more easily run Windows XP and allows the user to choose between booting Windows or booting OS X when the Mac starts up.   ...More

"Shake Performs a Miracle"

Apple-Joseph Smith Documentary

A current "Hot News" item on Apple Computer's web site highlights the work of the effects team for the Church-produced film that is currently being shown in the Joseph Smith Building on Temple Square, titled "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration"   ...More

Grassroots Movement To Cancel "Big Love"

Big Love

A grassroots movement has been launched to pursuade HBO to cancel its new polygamy show, "Big Love".       ...More

Church Sets Up RSS Feeds

Big Love

The Church has recently added RSS (Really Simple Syndication) capability to several of its key Web pages.       ...More

Church Responds to Questions on TV Series

Big Love

Over the past few weeks, Public Affairs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has received numerous       ...More

Saints Unified Voices Win Grammy

LDS Music

Winning a Grammy was the last thing Gladys Knight had on her mind when she formed the Saints Unified Voices choir      ...More

Apple Announces iPod Hi-Fi

LDS Software

Apple today announced iPod Hi-Fi, an all-new high-fidelity speaker system that works seamlessly with all iPods with a      ...More

Apple Unveils Mac mini with Intel Core Duo

Intel Mac Mini

A new Mac mini was unveiled by Apple, today, with the Intel Core Duo processor. Apple claims the new Mini delivers      ...More

iTunes Music Store Downloads Top One Billion Songs

LDS Music

Its official! One billion songs have been legally downloaded from the iTunes Music Store since it was launched less     ...More

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nor endorsed or sponsored by, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints .